Absolutely FIRST-CLASS QUALITY used brake calipers for Remanufacturing Workshops. Each item handpicked, checked for damages and INDIVIDUALLY LABELLED with part number and technical info. The units are guaranteed in good condition and repairable with remarkably low investment needed for repair components compared to core units from other regular sources.
Fitted on Mercedes
0044207183 9444207501 9444208401 442071830080 A0044207183 A442071830080 A9444207501 A9444208401 K023274 K023362 K052390K50 K052390K51 K082445 K082453 K082445 SM7002RC SM7002 SM7006
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All quoted or shown prices are for Export, without VAT or local taxes.
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This offer is for a CHECKED, INDIVIDUALLY LABELLED USED part (core).
If you need a REMANUFACTURED part, you can find it here.
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